UNESCO is a universal leader in the preparation and adaptation of school curricula with the goal of creating a global tolerant society. Through its educational programmes, UNESCO builds awareness of climate change, human rights, gender equality, sustainable development and protection of cultural diversity and heritage. UNESCO furthermore promotes lifelong learning, technical and vocational training, linguistic diversity and inclusion.
Slovakia actively engages in the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal n°4 (Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all), which is coordinated by UNESCO within the UN system. Experts from the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic, nominated to the SDG 4 Steering Committee, participate in drafting of the global recommendations and share their experience with the national educational policies, in particular in the area of inclusion of minorities.
Educational activities and programmes in Slovakia are coordinated by the Section for Education of the Slovak Commission for UNESCO.
Priorities of the Section for Education:
• Strengthening national capacities in the field of lifelong learning;
• Improving the quality of literacy, with regard to inclusion and gender equality;
• Capacity building in the field of vocational training (so-called "TVET-Technical and vocational education and training";
• Improving national and international higher education policies with an emphasis on quality and mobility;
• Regional cooperation in the sphere of capacity building for teachers and assistants;
• Improving educational opportunities for national minorities.
Slovakia is also actively involved in the activities of specialized agencies within the UNESCO education sector, such as the International Bureau of Education in Geneva, or the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning in Hamburg.
Cities and municipalities, universities and schools all have an opportunity for direct cooperation with UNESCO through specific programmes. There are several options:
UNESCO Learning Cities are cities that emphasize diverse learning opportunities for their citizens. Learning Cities promote informal learning activities, workplace teaching, modern educational techniques and informal education in families and communities. Lifelong and non-formal learning aims to promote sustainable economic and cultural development and social inclusion.
More information about learning cities can be found at:
Primary and secondary schools have the opportunity to become associated to UNESCO through the ASPnet School network, while universities contribute to the implementation of UNESCO programmes through the UNESCO Chair / UNITWIN programme.
PhDr. Dagmar Kopčanová, PhD.
Chair of the Section for Education
Tel. 00421 - 2 - 4342 - 0973