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Slovak Comission for UNESCO

Slovak Commission for UNESCO:

Ing. Juraj Blanár
Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic 
Chairman of the Slovak Commission for  UNESCO 

Prof. Lubica Lacinová, D.Sc.


Chairman of the Slovak Bioethics Committee

Mgr. Monika Korkošová

Head of the Department for Education of the SC UNESCO

PhDr. Katarína Kosová

Head of the Department for Culture SK UNESCO

RNDr. Pavol Miklánek, CSc.


Chairman of the Slovak Committee for UNESCO IHP Programme), Institute of Hydrology, Slovak Academy of Sciences

Doc. RNDr. Marianna Kováčová, PhD

Chairman of the Slovak Committee for UNESCO IGCP Programme, 

doc. JUDr. PhDr. Lucia Mokrá, PhD.


Chairman of the Slovak Committee for UNESCO MOST Programme, Sociological Institute

Ing. Vladimíra Fabriciusová, PhD.


Chairman of the Slovak Committee for UNESCO MAB Programme (Man and Biosphere)

Ing. Silvia Stasselová


Chairman of the Slovak Committee for the UNESCO Memory of the World Programme, General Director of the University Library in Bratislava

Head of the Information and Documentation Centre of UNESCO, Slovak Coordinator for ASPnet and of UNESCO Centres and Clubs, University Library Bratislava

Prof. Ing. Ivan Kotuliak, PhD.


Chairman of the Slovak Committee for UNESCO IFAP Programme, dean of the Faculty of Informatics and Information Technology STU

Mgr. Daniel Kaba, LL.M.


Executive Secretary of PLATFORMA NGOs

Mgr. Sandra Gazareková


Head od the Unit of the International Cooperation, Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth

General Director of Tourism, Ministry of Toursim and Sport of the Slovak Republic

Mgr. Branislav Šalát


Director of Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic

Ing. Kvetoslav Kmec
Agenda 2030 and Strategic Planning, Government Office of the Slovak Republic

Ing. Petra Korbíniová


Mgr. Ľubica Voľanská, PhD.


Director of the Department of bilateral and multilateral Cooperation, Ministry of Enviroment of the Slovak republic 

Expert for the Intangible cultural Heritage, Institute of Antropology of the Slovak Academy of Science 

JUDr. Ľubica Erdelská 

Secretariat of the Slovak Commision for UNESCO:
Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak republic
Hlboká cesta 2
833 36 Bratislava 37
Tel: 004212/ 5978 3615
E-mail: unesco@mzv.sk



Secretary General of the Slovak Commission for UNESCO