Skvelý úspech!
Slovenský dokumentárny film POĽANA vyhral hlavnú cenu v mesiaci jún na NEZÁVISLOM FILMOVOM FESTIVALE LAIFFA v Hollywoode!
Blahoželáme biosferickej rezervácii POĽANA a jej neúnavným pracovníkom, ktorí šíria skvelé meno Slovenska po celom svete.
Foreign Documentary Short
Runtime 28:34
Dir: Lubomir Viluda
LAIFFA is an IMDB AWARDS listing Qualifier!
Welcome to Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards, a monthly film festival with Quarterly Live Screening in the heart of Hollywood that celebrates creative work from around the world with more than 50 awards given away each month to all the well deserving Filmmakers from around the world.